Ursulines of Mary Immaculate (U.M.I.)
In Goa since 1966
Brief Historical Background –
This congregation was founded in Italy in the year 1649 by Blessed Brigida of Jesus, with the specific aim of educating young girls. Blessed Brigida had a great desire to make Christ known to the whole world, to be a missionary. But the real missionary dimension of the congregation did not commence until 1934, when five Italian sisters, known as the pioneers, helped in making the Congregation reach Asia, Africa, South America and Europe. They are engaged in teaching the ignorant, nursing the sick, ministering to the old and dying and caring for the orphans and homeless.
Superior General:
Istituto Orsoline di Maria Immmacolate; Casa Generalizia; Via Dandolo, 4600153 Roma, Tel: 06/5812150 Fax: 06/58310579 Email: omi.segreteria@tiscalinet.it
Ursuline Convent 26, Davis Road, St Thomas Town P.O. Bangalore – 560084; Tel: 080 – 5476238; 09448370411; fax.080-25476238 Email: ursuline@vsnl.com.