Brief Historical Background:
Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, a lawyer disappointed with the courts, became a priest, moved by the plight of the poor and the spiritually abandoned and founded the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (C.S.S.R.) at Naples in 1732, for the ‘Evangelization of the poor’. The first Goan Redemptorist is believed to be Luis Francisco de Menezes, hailing from Divar, who joined the Congregation in Lisbon around 1840. In 1940, Redemptorists from Ireland founded their first community in India at Mt. St. Alphonsus, Bangalore.
Superior General:
Redemptorist Community, San Alphonso, Via Merulana 31; c.p. 2458, 1-00100 ROMA ITALIA Tel. No. (39)0649490-1 Fax:06 4466012
Provincial Superior:
Ligouri Bhavan; 8, Walton Road, Bangalore 560 001 Tel. No. 080-22214496; Fax: 22245721 Email: cssrblr@rediffmail.com