In Goa from 1548 till 1835. Again from 1990
Brief Historical Background: The Order was founded by St. Dominic in France, in the year 1216. The first Dominican foundation in India was set up around 1325 in the diocese of Quilon, the first bishop of which was a Dominican. They were very actively present during the Portuguese rule in Goa, till 1835. They returned to India in 1959 and are now spread into a dozen communities belonging to a single Province with headquarters in Nagpur.
Superior General:
Convento S. Sabina, Piazza Pietro D’illiria -100153, Roma Italy Tel: 390657940555 Email; secretarious@curia.op.org
Provincial Superior:
St. Dominic’s Ashram, Seminary Hill, Nagpur 440 006 Tel: 0712/2515251 Fax: 712/2511126