In Goa Since 1991
Brief Historical Background:
The Capuchin Order traces its origin to St. Francis of Assisi. It was born in early XVI century, when three Italian Franciscans – Mathew of Bascio, and the brothers Louis and Raphael of Fossombrone – came together in a desire to live their Franciscan calling with greater emphasis on contemplation and stricter adherence to the Rule given by St. Francis. The ministry of the Capuchins is as varied as the situations in which they find themselves. They are teachers, counsellors, preachers, parish priests, doctors, etc. The flexibility to go where they are most needed and their manner of working and living earned them the nickname of “brothers of the people”.
Superior General:
Curia Generalis OFM Cap., Via Piemonte 70, 00187 Rome. Tel. +39-06-4620121 Website: www.ofmcap.org.
Provincial Superior:
Saccidananda, P.B.No. 1010, Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore 560 010.