Sisters of St. Joseph of Tarbes (S.J.T.)
In Goa since 2001
Brief Historical Background:
In the year 1842, at Tarbes in France, six young girls were drawn together ‘to be for God Alone’. In 1844, the then Bishop of Tarbes gave them the First Rule, named them ‘Sisters of St. Joseph of Tarbes’ and installed Mother Marie des Anges as their first Superior. Health, education, social work and pastoral work are some of their apostolic activities. The Sisters came to India in 1882. Their charism is ‘Trinitarian Communion – contemplated, lived and shared in communities and in missions today.’
Superior General :
Convent Saint Joseph, 1, Rue du Pic du Midi. 65150 CANTAOUS FRANCE. Tel:(0)562 407006 Fax: (0) 562/989178 Email: maisongenerale@wanadoo.fr
Provincial Superior:
TARBES NIVAS; Provincial House, 47, Promenade Road; Frazer Town; Bangalore 560005 Tel: 080 25564842 Fax: 80 25309570 Email: sgt@bgl.vsnl.net.in