Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross (S.C.S.C.)
In Goa since 1999
Brief Historical Background:
Fr. Theodosius Florentini, a Capuchin and Mother Maria Theresa Scherer were the co-founders of this congregation in 1856, in Switzerland. The Sisters, who came to India in 1894, are also present in 12 countries and they devote themselves to various kinds of social and community development work. Their Charism is ‘Compassionate Love to All, Especially the underprivileged’ and their motto ‘The Need of the Time is the Will of God’.
Superior general:
Institute Ingenbohl Brunnen CH- 6440 Tele: ++41041-82520000 Fax + + 41041 – 8252150 Email: generaloberin@kloster-ingenbohl.ch
Provincial Superiors:
Provincial Residence, Holy Cross Convent, 1, Davis Road, St. Thomas Town, Bangalore 560 084 Tel: 080/25491316 , 25477757,25465255 Email: hsb@bgl.vsnl.net.in