Salesian Sisters (F.M.A.) (Daughters of Mary Help of Christians)
In Goa since 1970
Brief Historical Background:
The institute was founded by St.John Bosco, with the help of St. Mary Mazzerello in the year 1872. The main focus of the apostolate is the liberation and welfare of girls and women at risk. The Sisters, who came to India in 1922, have schools, hostels, shelter homes, youth centres, rehabilitation centres, non formal vocational training centres as well as professional schools and colleges.
Superior General:
Institute Internazionale Maria Ausiliatrice, Via dell’ Ateneo Salesiano 81 001 39 ROMA RM Tel: 06/872741. Fax 06/87132606 Email: direttrice.casa.gen@cgfma.org
Provincial General:
Auxilium centre provincial office, Post Boc 19877, Bandra, Mumbai – 400 050 Tel: (022) 26414225 Fax +91 2256604651 Email auxbandra@roltanet.com