Presentation Sisters (P.B.V.M.) ( Union of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.)
In Goa Since 1957
Brief Historical Background :
Nano Nagle founded the Congregation of Presentation Sisters in Cork, Ireland on Christmas eve in the year 1775. This foundation was the fruit of her loving and compassionate service to the poor of Ireland for more then twenty years. The Sisters dedicate themselves to the educational, social, medical and pastoral apostolates. They came to India in 1842.
Superior General:
Presentation Sisters: Monasterevin; Co.Kildare Ireland; Tel No 045-525335; 045-525503 Email: adminpresevin@eircom.net
Regional Superior:
Presentation Sisters; Deepanjali; Sonarbhatt, Verem; Reis Magos Bardez; Goa 403 114 Tel: 2401603; 2402409 Email: prstsis@sancharnet.in