Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel (S.G.) in Goa

Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel (S.G.)
In Goa since 1979
Brief Historical Background
Founded in France in the early years of the 18th century by St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, the Brothers serve in 160 institutions in India, imparting general and vocational education, providing training for the deaf, the blind, the aged and the handicapped, fighting for the rights of tribals, dalits and the urban poor and creating harmony and peace among religions and social groups. Their numbers: 560 brothers working in India, out of a total of 1600, spread through 31 countries.
Superior General:
Fratelli di San Gabriele, Via Trionfale, 12840 00135, Roma, Italy, Tel: 0039 063035901, Email: sggen@pcn.net
Provincial Superior:
Montfort Bhavan, 11-6-862, Red Hills, Hyderabad, 500 004 A.P. – India Tel: 040 23327112 Fax: 040 23322872
Email: mtbhavan@hd2.dot.net.in