Mission Sisters of Ajmer (M.S.A.)
In Goa since 1935
Brief Historical Background:
The congregation was founded by Bishop of Ajmer Henry F. Caumont in 1911, in collaboration with his Sister, Mother Mary Matilda, to continue Christ’s redeeming mission, seeking and serving the poor, the destitute and the unwanted. The Sisters conduct catechumenates, schools, colleges, maternity and nursing homes, welfare centres and other missionary and social uplift projects.
Superior General:
Mission Sisters House, Mirshali, Ajmer, 305 001, Rajasthan Tel: 0145 – 2420715 Email: msagen@datainfosys.net
Provincial Superior:
St. Francis Provincial House, Bopakawadda, Mirshali. Ajmer, 305 001, Rajasthan tel: 0145 – 2632248 Email: stfprovince@rediffmail.com