Maria Bambina Sisters (S.C.C.G.) (Sisters of Charity of Saints Bartolomea Capitanio and Vicenza Gerosa)
In Goa since 1935
Brief Historical Background:
The congregation was founded in Lovere, Italy, in 1832 by Saints Bartholomea Capitanio and Vincenza Gerosa. The Holy Child Mary is the special protectress of the Congregation and is the reason why the Sisters are also called ‘Sisters of Maria Bambina’. They run orphanages, homes for the destitute and the aged, founding homes, penitentiaries and schools. They have a presence in India since 1860. In Goa, they also look after the pastoral needs of a parish.
Superior General:
‘Curia Generalizia; via Santa Sofia 13-20122, Milano Italia Tel; 02.583451 Email: segretariato_sccg@tin.it
Provincial Superios:
‘Shanti Sadan’, Nirmal Nagar, Dharwad 580 003, Karnataka State, India. Tel 0836/2447196 Fax 0836 2447196 Email: shanti12@sancharnet.in