Jesus and Mary Sisters (R.J.M.) (Congregation of the Religious of Jesus and Mary)
In Goa since 1976
Brief Historical Background:
The Congregation was founded in France in 1818 by Claudine Thevenet. Extremely sensitive to the physical and moral sufferings which resulted from the French Revolution, she desired deeply to make Christ known and loved through Christian Education. The Sisters of Jesus and Mary have the same aim i.e. ‘To make God known and loved through Christian education of the young with a preferential love for the poor’. They are in India since 1842. In Goa, they work for the education of the poor, organise women upliftment programmes, self help groups, tailoring and computer classes and run an Open School Study Centre.
Superior General:
Congregation of Religious of Jesus and Mary, Via Nomentana, 325, 00162 Roma – Italia Tel: (06)8418008 Email: secretariat@gemrjm.org Fax (06)85865217
Provincial Superior:
Provincial house of Jesus and Mary, 5, Boat Club road, Pune 411 001 – India Tel (20) 26132241/26123883 Fax No (20) 26132241 Email: jmphp@pn2.vsnl.net.in