Holy Family Sisters(S.F.N.) (Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth)
Founded in Goa: 1952
Brief Historical Background:
The congregation was founded at Sancoale, Goa in 1935 by Fr. Faustino de Souza, a diocesan priest. Its charism is ‘to share the providential love of God by serving the poor and needy.’ Its members are engaged in formal and non formal education, pastoral, catechetical and social work, running boarding houses and homes for the aged, rehabilitating children of sex workers, empowering women and the youth. Besides Goa, the Sisters work in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat and Haryana.
Holy Family Generalate, P.O.Cortalim, Sancoale, Goa 403710 Tel; 2551355 Email: Holyfamn@sancharnet.com