Holy Cross Sisters (S.C.C.) (Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod)
In Goa Since 1933
Brief Historical Background:
Founded at Chavanod, France in 1838 by Fr.Peter Mermier and Mother Claudine Echernier, the congregation has for its chief work the education of the young. The Sisters run schools, colleges, professional and technical institutes, orphanages, hospitals and do other social work. They number today around 1300 and are spread in 14 countries.
Superior General:
Maison Generale, Soeurs de la Croix de Chavanod 8 Rue Alcide Jentzer C.P 420 CH – 1211 Geneva, Switzerland Tel: 223209282 Email: maisgencroix@geneva-link.ch
Provincial Superior:
Sisters of the Cross, 38 Sassoon Road, Pune 411 001 Te; 26053326 Email: cross@pn2.vsnl.net.in