Handmaids of Christ (H.C.)
Founded in Goa in 1949
Brief Historical Background:
This is a Diocesan Insititute founded by late Msgr. Herculano Gonsalves in 1935. The main aim of the Congregation is SERVICE – service to the most needy, the downtrodden and the poor, especially girls and women. The Sisters run schools, orphanages, crèches, homes for the aged, girls boardings, dispensaries, etc. in the dioceses of Goa, karwar, Sindhudurg, Nashik and Port Blair. The motto of the Congregation is ‘Live Love and Labour in the Service of Christ.’
Generalate: St Alex Convent, Calangute 403 516 Tel: 2276093 Email: herculanhandmaid@sify.com