Franciscan Missionaries of Christ the King (F.M.C.K.)
In Goa Since 1946
Brief Historical Background:
The congregation of the Franciscan Missionaries of Christ the King was founded by Msgr. Salesius Lemmens OFM and Mother Bridget Sequeira in the year 1937, in Karachi, Pakistan. On November 1, 2002, The Holy See granted the pontifical right to the congregation. Its members strive to spread God’s kingdom of love, peace, justice and equality with the motto ‘Thy kingdom come’ The Sisters are now spread through 34 convents in India and 16 convents in Pakistan. In Goa, they are engaged in education, care for the aged, and those affected by AIDS.
Superior General:
‘Portiuncula’; Behind Convent of Our Lady of the Angels, Ela, Old Goa, Goa 403 402 Tel ; 2284602 / 5616417
Provincial Superior:
Lourdes Convent; Saligao, Bardez – Goa 403 511 Tel; 2278370.