Franciscan Hospitaller Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (F.H.S.I.C.)
In Goa from 1886 till 1910, again from 1927
Brief Historical Backgound:
This congregation was founded in Portugal in the yea 1871 by Father aimundo dos Anjos Beiao and Mother Clara do Menino Jesus, following the Rule of the Third order Regular of St. Francis of Assisi. Their motto is ‘where there is good to be done, do it’. The Sisters came to India in 1886, at the request of the Archbishop of Goa and Daman, but had to leave in 1910, as a result of the political ideologies of the Republic of Portugal, founded in the same year. They returned in 1927 and have two provinces, Bombay and Bangalore. They are engaged in educating the youth, welcoming the homeless and the mentally retarded, assisting the elderly and the sick.
Superior General:
Rua Madre Maria Clara, No 1, LINDA –A- PASTORA 2795 – 759 QUEIJAS, PORTUGAL Tel: 214241840 Email: confhic@clix.pt
Provincial Superior:
Clara Sadan, Carmelaram, PO Bangalore 560035 Tel: 080 28439538 Fax 8439539 Email fhicsi@vsnl.net