Fatima Sisters (F.S.) (Sisters of Our Lady of Fatima.)
In Goa since 1969
Brief Historical Background:
The congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Fatima was founded by Msgr. Francis Xavier Kroot, MHM in 1893 at Bellary in Karnataka. The Head Quarters were transferred to Poona in 1951. The Sisters live in accordance with the Sspirit of the Gospel and of the message of Our Lady of Fatima, that is, by cultivating intense prayer and self- sacrifice, and they wok to spread Our Lord’s message of love through their life-witness and preferential option for the weaker sections of the society.
Superior General:
Fatima Convent Generalate, Fatima Nagar, Pune 411 013 Tel: 020 26871857 Email: fatimasisters@vsnl.com
Provincial Superior:
Fatima Mata Sadan, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri East, Mumbai 400093 Tel: 02228300981 Email:fatimasadan@vsnl.net