Daughters of the Cross of Liege (F.C.)
In Goa since 1997
Brief Historical Background :
The Congregation was founded in 1833 by Blessed Marie Therese Haze in Liege, Belgium. Marie Therese’s childhood was shattered by the French Revolution. Her own suffering led her to nurture a special love for Jesus crucified and the suffering humanity. The Daughters of the Cross are called to love and serve the Lord particularly in the weakest and the most suffering. They work in the fields of education, health and welfare of the needy.
Superior General: Maison Mere, Rue Hors-Chateau 49,4000 Liege Belgium, Tel 003242236405 Email: fcliege@sinngbe.com
Provincial Superior:
St. Josephs convent, 64 A hill Road, Bandra, Mumbai 400 050. Tel 022/26423280 Fax: 26423280 Email: joseph@bom5.vsnl.net.in