Cluny Sisters (S.J.C.) (Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny)
In Goa Since 1963
Brief Historical Background :
The congregation was founded in 1807 by Blessed Anne Marie Javoubey, in France, in order to care for the orphans, educate children and work for the human development of all, especially the poor. The Sisters therefore are engaged in teaching, nursing and in all kinds of missionary and social works.
Superior General:
21, Rue Mechian, 75014 Paris Tel: 0147079572 Email: cluny.conseil@wanadoo.fr
Provincial Superios:
Preethisadan, Clunny Provincialate kannur P.O. Via Bagalur, Bangalore 562149 Tel: 080 28465991 Fax 080 28465473 Email: Preesa@vsnl.net