Cloistered Carmelites (O.C.D.) ( Discalced Carmelites of the order of the blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel)
In Goa since 1947
Brief historical background –
The order draws inspiration from the Prophet Elijah, who lived on Mount Carmel, dedicated to prayer, solitude and an austere manner of life. This order was first established in the Holy Land and later it spread through Europe, Later still to other continents. Contemplative houses in India : 30
Superior General:
Case Generalizia Carmelitani Scalzi – Corso D’Italia 38, 00198 Roma Italia Email : ocdgen@pcn.net
Provincial Superior:
Sadbhavana, Carmelitie Provincialiate, P.B. 5602, Rajajinagar Bangalore 560010 Tel (080) 3476402 Fax (080) 3420584 Email: joetauro@excite.com