Carmelites of Trivandrum (C.C.R) (Congregation of Carmelite Religious of Trivandrum)
In Goa since 1966
Brief Historical Background:
The Congregation was founded in France in the year 1868 by Mother Veronica. The first foundation of this Third Order institute in Trivandrum was set up in 1880 by Mother Mary Elias, their co foundress. Since 1971, the Institute is known as the Congregation of the Carmelite Religious. The CCR’s today have 54 communities in India and Abroad, engaged in schools for girls and for children with mental and physical handicaps, in homes for the orphans and for the aged and in work for the social uplift of the poor.
General Superior:
CCR Generalate, All Saints Campus, Thiruvananthapuram 695007 Tel: 0471/2502191 Email: mfrances99@yahoo.com
Provincial Superior:
St Joseph’s Convent, 9 Blurr Road, Kirkee, Pune 411 003 Tel; 5812947