Canossian Sisters (F.D.C.C.) ( Canossian Daughters of Charity)
Brief Historical background:
St Magdalene of Canossa (1774 – 1835) emptied herself of her great material wealth in order to serve the poor so that she could be a witness of God’s love to those in need. She started her institute for the Canossian Daughters of Charity in the year 1808, gaining papal approval to it in 1828. Four years later, the Canossian Sons of Charity were officially approved. Her goal was to make Jesus known and loved even to the remotest parts of the world. Today more than 4,500 Canossian Sisters are working all over the globe. Their special fields of apostolate are education, evangelization, pastoral care of the sick, formation of the laity and spiritual exercises.
Superior General:
Curia Generalizia- Figlie Della Carita Canossiane Via della Stazione do Ottavia, 70 00135 Roma Tel: + 39 – 06-30828022 Email- cancuria@fdcc.org
Provincial Superior:
Canossian Provincialate, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (East) Mumbai 400 093, Tel 952228218144, Fax 022 28378154 Email: canpro@vsnl.com