Bethany Sisters (B.S.)

Bethany Sisters (B.S.) ( Sisters of the little flower of Bethany)
In Goa since 1969
Brief historical background :
The congregation was founded in Mangalore on July 16, 1921 by Msgr. Raymond Mascarenhas. The Sisters devote themselves to the educational, catechetical and social apostolates and place themselves at the service of any other pastoral needs of the local church. They are present in India, Europe, Africa as well as Turkey. Their main apostolate in Goa is educational and pastoral.
Superior General:
Bethany Generalate, PO Box 593 Mangalore 575002 Tel: 0824/ 2218923 Email : bethanym@sancharnet.in
Provincial Superior:
Bethany Provincial House, Thomas Town, PO Bangalore 560 084 Tel: 080/ 25490226 Fax: 225490226 Email: bethanybp@rediffmail.com