In Goa since 1931
Brief Historical background:
The congregation was founded in France in the year 1868 by Mother Veronica, and established in India two years later. The A.C. Sisters are committed to the service and development of the youth, especially of girls, through education and other charitable works, according to the needs of the church.
Superior General:
Apostolic Carmel Generalate, 6 East End Road, P.B. No, 4107. Jayanagar âTâ Block PO Bangalore â 560 041 Tel: (080) 26633710 Fax: 26633710 Email: apcarmelbgl@vsnl.in
Provincial Superior:
Apostolic Carmel, Provincial House, 94 Hill Road, Bandra, Mumbai 400 050 Tel No 022 26443710 Fax 26443710 Email: wprovince2004@rediffmail.com