Fr. Agnel Higher Secondary School, Pilar, Goa was started in June 1979. Fr. Agnel Higher Secondary School, Pilar, Goa was initially offering Arts and Commerce streams. The Higher secondary school was started by the late Fr. Philomeno D’Costa sfx in June 1979 to meet the demands of the time and the need of the youth from the neighbourhood. In the subsequent year, June 1980, the Science Stream was also started. Later, when vocationalization of Education was introduced for the first time in Goa as a central Govt Scheme, the Vocational Stream was also begun with four courses in C.T, AET, OSS, and INS. Fr. Agnel Higher Secondary is run under the aegis of Xaverian Educational Society, a duly registered society under the Societies Registration Act 1860. The Fr. Agnel Higher Secondary School, Pilar, Goa lies in the Pilar area which is the hub of activities of the religious order of Fr. Agnel, a member of the Society of Pilar.
Fr. Agnel Higher Secondary School, Pilar, Goa is a Catholic Institution administered under the minority right. It is an English medium school run by the Xaverian Educational Society and established by the Society of Pilar.
Fr. Agnel Higher Secondary School, Pilar, Goa admits students of all creed, caste, etc.Fr. Agnel Higher Secondary School is established under the patronage of Venerable Fr. Agnelo De Souza, a saintly member of the Society of Pilar who lived a simple and holy life serving God and His fellow brethren.
In an education scenario ridden by pass percentages and stress on high grades and making news. Fr. Agnel Higher Secondary School, Pilar, Goa stands apart as a higher secondary with a socially and educationally committed vision and thirst for all round excellence. It is socially committed because of its admission policy of First Come First Serve without any discrimination of religious affiliations, caste or class. The motto of ‘Always Higher’ makes it strive to form character for students to make them worthy citizens. The institution believes in clean spaces that stand for order, harmony and sanctity that facilitates healthy, creative and constructive activity.
One of the oldest Higher Secondary schools in Goa, Fr. Agnel Higher Secondary School, Pilar, Goa offers the science, arts and commerce streams as well as the vocational stream comprising of Automobile engineering, technology, insurance, office management, stenography and computer techniques.
The walled and abundant in greenery campus of Fr. Agnel Higher Secondary School, Pilar, Goais a peaceful and quiet haven to pilgrims and visitors to Pilars sacred hillock. However in the midst of all this calm is concealed an educational institute of over 600 students attending classes ranging from experimenting in the labs and workshops, attending talks or audio video lessons or taking part in the numerous sports activities on the campus.
The qualified, calibered and dedicated staff – both teaching and non teaching take a keen interest in the students formation and this has resulted in Fr. Agnel Higher Secondary School, Pilar, Goa becoming a most sought after educational institute in the region.
The Principal Rev Fr. Andrew Silveira was himself a former student of Fr. Agnel Higher Secondary School, Pilar, Goa. The quarterly publication “Agnelite” is a tribute to the students and staff of the institute.