Fr. Agnel Central School, Pilar, Goa is in its seventh year, having been started in June 2008 with 89 students in the nursery and lower K.G. ( Kinder Garten). Currently there are 530 students on the rolls. The sole purpose of starting the Fr. Agnel Central School, Pilar, Goa was to provide quality education to the rural children. Currently children from around 24 rural villages come to the school.
The students are provided with opportunities for all round development. A wide range of curricular and extra curricular activities are made available by the school to nurture the child’s intelligence, talents and capacities. This provides an environment for holistic education. Much emphasis is given in building self confidence in the students. One such event is the annual day which has all the students taking part.
The use of modern technologies in the class rooms gives students the opportunity to be in tune with the times. The schools also has special instructors and coaches besides the regular teaching staff who all work for the growth of the children. Being a new venture in education the management has been investing a lot of its resources in providing the adequate infrastructure. Since the school is a non grant in aid school, everything has to be provided for by the school management itself which can be a challenge.
A Deserving Students fund has been set up to help students whose parents are from economically weaker backgrounds.
An extension to the school through a second block was inaugurated on 17 September 2014 and blessed by Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas.