A surgeon of the first class from Verna Goa. Antonio Jose de Gama was born on 20 September 1814. He studied Latin in Margão, Goa under the direction of professor Father Joaquim Felíppe Pacheco and in the seminary of Rachol, Goa under the direction of the learned professor Father Miguel Felippe de Quadros; philosophy under the direction of the Father professor Constâncio Mesquita, and then he went to Portugal, giving preparatory exams, in the school medical Surgery of the hospital de S. José de Lisboa, After his studies he was commissioned as an extraordinary surgeon of the navy for 3 years, by appointment of the council of naval health. He was posted in Goa on 13 April 1842 and arrived in Goa on the fragata D Maria 2. He joined the military hospital and was also the provisional no 2 to the chair of the medical school. In August 1844, he was promoted to the position of Surgeon first class. He retired at the rank of Major and was Knighted by the order of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception of Vila Viçosa, the dynastic order of knighthood of the House of Braganza. After long years of clinical career in the military hospital of Goa and teaching at the medical-surgical school, he withdrew from public life.