Andre Paulo d’ Andrade was born in Parra, Bardez, Goa. He studied Latin and Philosophy at the private schools of Parra and Mapusa. Having taken his exams at the ecclesiastical seminary of Cborao, (which is extinct now). He then attended school in Panjim to study History and English and Mathematics. He then went to Bombay and learned English at Dr. Wilson’s school and later enrolled at the Grant Medical College where he obtained success in the medical course. He graduated in 1859 and was soon appointed by the government as the assistant surgeon and added to the Jamsetjee Jejeeboy hospital, where for his good service he was praised by the superintendent major surgeon, Doctor J. Peet. He later gave up his position and started his practice as a private doctor. In 1870, Mr. Andrade was appointed as the assistant surgeon of the special hospital for female venereal diseases, created in the same year in Bombay, in which he also performed well.
He was a member of the medical society of Grant College, where he wrote six dissertations on medicine and obstetrics, in addition to an extensive report on the cases of syphilitic disease, treated by him in the hospital, most of these works are published in the transactions of the medical and physical society; He was also an examiner of the Portuguese language at the University of Bombay.