St. Andrew the Apostle Church, Goa Velha, Goa

The St. Andrew the Apostle Church, Goa Velha, Goa is popularly called ‘The Goa Velha Church’ locally in Goa. The first Church at Goa Velha, built before 1583, was abandoned at the beginning of the 19th century for fear of collapse. The present St. Andrew the Apostle church, Goa Velha was built in 1868, was blessed in June 1869. The Pilar hill, initially the abode of the Franciscan Capuchins and later the head quarters of the Society of Pilar, is part of this parish.The first St. Andrew the Apostle church, Goa Velha church was at a different site was built before 1583. The present Goa Velha church, built in 1868, was blessed in June 1869. The ‘Procession of the Saints’ in which 31 statues of the saints are taken in procession, is held on the 5th Monday of Lent. This procession had its origin in the Monastery of the Capuchin’s at Pilar. After the extinction of the Religious Orders in Goa in 1835, the statues were brought to the St. Andrew the Apostle church, Goa Velha.
Chapels(without chaplains) in the Parish of St. Andrew the Apostle Church, Goa Velha, Goa
Our Lady the Queen of Angels Chapel, Palmar Zuari, Goa Velha, Goa.
St Anthony of Lisbon Chapel, Sant Anton Vaddo, Goa Velha, Goa.
Religious Orders based in the Parish of St. Andrew the Apostle Church, Goa Velha, Goa
Missionaries of St. Francis Xavier (Society of Pilar) sfx based at Pilar Monastery, Pilar, Goa.
Handmaids of Christ (HC) based at Immaculate Heart of Mary Convent, Goa Velha, Goa
Association of Pilar Sisters (PSA) based at St Josephs Home, Pilar, Goa
Ishaprema Vinamra Sevika(IVS) based at Ishaprema Niketan, Goa Velha, Goa
Educational Institutions based in the Parish of St. Andrew the Apostle Church, Goa Velha, Goa
St Andrew’s High School, Goa Velha, Goa
Immaculate Heart of Mary high school, Goa Velha, Goa run by Handmaids of Christ (HC)
All India Mission Seminary
Fr Agnel Seminary
Fr Agnel College of Arts and Commerce, Pilar, Goa Velha, Goa run by sfx
Fr Agnel Higher secondary school, Pilar, Goa Velha, Goa run by sfx
Fr Agnel High School, Pilar, Goa Velha, Goa run by sfx
Pilar Industrial Training Institute, Pilar, Goa Velha, Goa run by sfx
Pilar Music School, Pilar, Goa Velha, Goa run by sfx
Fr Agnel Central School, Goa Velha, Goa run by sfx
Fr Agnel Apostolic School, Goa Velha, Goa run by sfx
Social welfare Institutions based in the Parish of St. Andrew the Apostle Church, Goa Velha, Goa
Fr Agnel Niketan – Home for Boys, Goa Velha, Goa run by sfx
Isha Prema Niketan, Home for the aged run by IVS
Pilar Animation Centre, Goa Velha, Goa run by sfx
The Number of Catholics based in the Parish of St. Andrew the Apostle Church, Goa Velha, Goa is 4000.
The Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle Church, Goa Velha, Goa is celebrated on 30th November every year.
The Address of the Goa Velha Church is St. Andrew the Apostle Church, Goa Velha, Goa 403108.