Our Lady of Remedios Chapel, Cuelim, Goa is popular for the three kings feast which is held in January every year. The Our Lady of Remedios Chapel is located on the Cuelim Hill at Cansaulim, Goa. Local folktales state that the chapel and the hill leading to it are perhaps haunted. The story goes that previously on the hill, there lived 3 wealthy men who used to often fight to gain prominence and power however being noblemen attached to the Portuguese Rule, they had to maintain diplomacy lest they face the punishment from the Portuguese crown. One of the wealthy men, going by the name of Holger Alvunger invited the other two to his house on the top of the hill for a meal one day. During the meal, he managed to poison the other two who died shortly after consuming the food. However as soon as the supporters of the dead noblemen came to know of this ghastly act, they charged up the hill with the aim of attacking Holger. Fearing the wrath of the mob, Holger also consumed the poison he had used to poison the other 2 noblemen and soon died. The bodies of all the 3 noblemen were buried in the premises of the Our Lady of Remedios Chapel, Cuelim, Goa.
The path to the Chapel is closed in the evenings till the next morning as the locals believe that no one who has gone up the hill for a visit in the night has lived to see the next day.
The top of the hill offers a scenic view of the plains and the sea in the distance. The Our Lady of Remedios Chapel, Cuelim, Goa is famous for the 3 kings feast where 3 local children from the 3 villages which surround the hill reenact the journey to the top and back down the hill dressed as kings on horseback. A large fair with different Goan treats is also held during the period of the feast of the 3 kings at Our Lady of Remedios Chapel, Cuelim, Goa.