The Causeway of Ribandar

Causeway of Ribandar. -Returning now to Ribandar, and proceeding by the main road to its western border, we see the long causeway which connects it with Pangim. It was begun by the Viceroy, the Count of Linhares, in 1638, and completed the next year, at a cost of £8,333-6-8. Popular tradition attributes the work to the supernatural power of the Jesuits, who are said to have constructed it in one night with the light of a single lamp. Possibly the tradition arose from the help which they rendered in the construction.

The causeway is 9,542 feet long, and is supported by three arches on the eastern side in the middle, and thirty-eight on the western side.

Here in a quadrangular column is read the following inscription:

« Reinando a Magestade do Catholico Rei D. Filippe 3° N.

S. Governando este Estado o V. R. D. Miguel de Noronha, Conde de Linhares, mandou a cidade faser esta Ponte de dinheiro do hum por cento, e se começou o anno de 688 e se acabou o anno 631.”


” During the reign of His Majesty the Catholic King Dom Filippe III., Our Lord, and the government of the Viceroy Dom Miguel de Noronha, Count of Linhares, the city ordered this bridge to be erected out of the money of one per cent., and it was begun in the year 638, and finished in the year 684.”

By the alvara of the 22nd June 1634 all the ground adjoining the causeway was granted by the Government to the Senate or municipal chamber of the city, which took upon itself the responsibility of keeping it in proper repair for the benefit of the public. That the Senate actually fulfilled this engagement at its own expense, can be seen from the two following inscriptions, the first of which is on the large arch at its eastern portion, and the second in its middle portion on a cross:

” No anno de 1699 sendo João Rodrigues da Costa Vereador do Senado da Camara da Cidade de Goa, mandou reedificar de Goa, este arco.”


” In the year 1699, João Rodrigues da Costa being Vereador of the Senate of the Chamber of the City of Goa, this arch was ordered to be rebuilt.”

« Sendo Governador e Capitão General deste Estado Illmo. e Exmo. Sr. D. João José de Mello, se renovou esta ponte á custa do nobre Senado da Camara no anno de 1771.”


« In the time of the Governor and Captain General D. João José de Mello, this bridge was repaired at the expense of the noble Senate of the Chamber in the year 1771.”

The causeway was also repaired in 1859, during the administration of the Viscount of Torres Novas.